Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Guam is a nice place. And that's all I have to say about that.

My favorite Guam blog:
There are lots more Guam offers online, but those are enough tonight.

Near to Guam, though, is Saipan. Another nice place: been there only once, though. And here seems a definitive issue regarding the island:
Be sure to click on "About Saipan" to get the skinny

Finally, Dubya needed to save face amongst his cabinet the other day, so he held a press conference to boost their moral: nothing wrong with that. He did, though, call on journalist Helen Thomas, who has questioned every president since John Kennedy, and who has been worrisome in any administration: You Gotta See This (re: Clinton's Final Days and Helen Thomas)

And a photo:
74 artists/bands. Can you name them? (click to enlarge, or go to Latitude13 and or V2 (the place the thing comes from) for more!)

1. The B-52s
2. Smashing Pumpkins
3. The Rolling Stones


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